Thetahealing® for Bodyworkers Mini Workshop

Join me on Sunday, April 8th at 1-3 p.m.

We will meet via skype (my skype screen name is "live:icmassage")

Registration for the mini workshop is easy, just send me an email saying you want to take part and include your skype profile name.  My email address is:

Because this is a new workshop for me and I have never used skype before, the workshop will be very informal.  If you want to pay me for the workshop, great, thank you.  You can send me a check for what you think it is worth to you.  Send it to:  Shari Stevens, 804 Caroline Ave., Iowa City, IA  52245.  Or, if you would rather give me feedback about what you like and what you think could be better, feel free to do that too.

I hope you can join us!


Note:  This mini workshop does not train you to do thetahealing® for yourself or others.