Benefits of Distant Learning

Last summer I attended an energy healing class through Zoom. I have to admit that my expectations were pretty low. Other online classes I had taken were a dead bore. I am happy to report that it was great! Here are some reasons why distant learning is an advantage when it comes to learning Reiki or other energy healing systems.

Less Intensity

While energy healing is uplifting and fun, it can also be deeply healing and intense. In a Reiki class, you experience one or more Reiki attunements, plus giving and receiving full Reiki sessions. You might experience more healing in one weekend than you have in your entire life. When you are in a group dynamic, it is harder to take breaks and feel a sense of distance from all of the healing. Now, having said this, most people who learn Reiki find it to be relaxing, comforting and fulfilling to learn Reiki. Those people who have a lot of unresolved energies or issues may feel as if all of the healing is hard work. The reason it feels this way is because that is actually true. Your inner being, once it is given the positive and healing energy of Reiki can use that positive energy to process thoughts, emotions, dysfunctions and do other kinds of healing that was not previously possible. This is work. 

When you take an energy healing class from your own home, you are in a perfect situation to be more aware of yourself and your energy levels. You can get some distance from the work by doing things like turning down the volume, walking away for a couple of minutes or taking your device outside and putting your feet on the ground. In essence, you can tell yourself that you have all the time in the world to heal and grow, and you don’t have to do it all in one weekend. This is absolutely true in the case of Reiki because the Reiki class prepares students to give themselves full treatments anytime, and as often as they like.

Comfort of Home

In a similar way, for many, home is their place of energy renewal. This is especially true for introverts. For those who feel exposed or emotionally thrown about in a crowd or group, distant learning can be a great fit. When I mention being grounded, do you feel more grounded at home or in a group? If you feel more grounded at home, when it comes to learning Reiki or other energy healing approach, distant learning might be your best bet. 

It’s important to understand that being grounded is part of energy healing. Think of it as an energy circuit. Life force energy doesn’t flow to you and stop, as if you were a battery to be filled up. Life force energy flows through you, to the earth, to other people, places and things and to your spiritual source or higher power. In energy healing, the quality of the life force energy is high. This high quality life force energy allows your body, mind and spirit to resonate to that high quality energy. It’s like what they used to say in the ‘60’s. You get good vibes. You become aware of this good quality energy through experiences of comfort, relaxation, wellbeing and a sense of relief from worries, pain, fear, or other discomfort. You might also experience feelings of heaviness lift away. This is called an energy release. It results in more relaxation and wellbeing. 

The ultimate result is that by changing your energy and letting go of blocks, you can more fully open up to your experience of being grounded and open to the life force energy from the earth itself. The more safe, secure and grounded you feel in the positive flow of life force energy to you and through you, the more goodness you can feel and the more at home you can feel in your body and in your life. For many people, it is easier to do this kind of healing and feel grounded from their own home. If home is your refuge, then consider distant learning.

Ease of Access to Your Teacher

I’m not pulling your leg. Sometimes it’s easier to have quality interactions with your teacher when you are taking a class through an online platform. Your ability to get your questions answered, to drill down and to have one on one conversations might be greater in distant learning, but those interactions are different. Let’s explore this. 

In a brick and mortar classroom, you often don’t have the option to stop the flow of a lecture and interject questions or ask for real life examples. In distant learning, you have two options to ask questions or make comments at the time that they come up. You can put it in a chat. On most online platforms, there will be a chat box that is meant to voice questions and comments. This allows students to interject those questions and comments without stopping the flow of the lecture or presentation. The other option is to send confidential messages through email directly to the teacher. Of course, both of these options require the student to take action to type in the question or comment. It’s a little harder than breaking in or raising your hand, and it can be a little less satisfying since it involves delayed gratification for your curiosity. Yet, if you really want to know, you are not just allowed to seek clarification, it is expected that you will make those requests for more information.

In a brick and mortar classroom, your questions might be a distraction from the lecture. In distance learning, your questions are welcome and your instructor is expecting and intending to give you their one on one attention to make sure that you understand the material or technique or approach. If your instructor does not make room for your questions, that might not be the class for you.

Ease of Focus

This is related to the factors discussed above. Not only are you more grounded at home, you also have less distractions, and hopefully, a better sense of comfort. Sometimes, in person learning involves lots of questions and comments interjected by the students. This can be distracting. Sometimes in person learning involves annoying sights, smells, sounds, etc. that you cannot control. For example, if the student next to you is wearing a boatload of perfume, part of your attention might be spent in fighting that distraction. Noises from outside might compete for your attention. Your chair might not be comfortable. The lighting might be difficult for you. When you are at home, you control all of these things. You can wear what is most comfortable. You don’t have to activate the camera, so wear your PJ’s, if you like. As long as you mute your microphone, you can eat or drink without being obnoxious to the other students. You have complete control over eliminating distractions and giving yourself comfort. I love this about distant learning.

No Touchy Feely Problem

I have had students tell me that one challenge in learning to do Reiki is in touching or being in the personal space of strangers. They are just not used to it. When it comes to learning Reiki in person, it does require a certain level of artificial intimacy. You do invade the personal space of people who you do not know. Actually, you spend a lot of time in their personal space as you practice on each other. And, if you choose to do hands on Reiki, you touch these people who are, in truth, strangers. 

If you are not used to this kind of up close and personal kind of interaction with strangers, it can be an adjustment. When learning Reiki through distance learning, you are either practicing on yourself, practicing on a person of your choosing who you bring in to receive from you or you are doing distant healing, if you are taking Reiki level 2. There is no touchy feely problem, and it’s one less thing to deal with.

Buffering Competition

Do the kind of people who want to learn about the beautiful, healing energy of Reiki actually compare themselves to other students and feel a sense of competition? It’s very much like being in a yoga class. In yoga, it’s sometimes hard not to look at other students and see how flexible they are and have some feelings about that. And, in a Reiki class, it’s sometimes hard to see or hear how experienced or intuitive or capable other students are and not judge yourself or not feel a twinge of competition. I think it’s just human nature. 

When it comes to distant learning, somehow, what other people are doing just doesn’t matter that much. You are more able to take the attitude, “You do you.” If you are new to energy healing or intuitive connection, you might find that distance learning is a help to you. You know that no one is judging you or expecting you to act or speak in any kind of way. While some people find distance learning to be isolating, the flip side of that is that you have the freedom to be yourself without any kind of in person group dynamic.

Downsides of Distant Learning

  1. Technology, technology, technology! Need I say more? From the “I am not a cat” meme to Zoombombing, to the person who doesn’t remember that their audio is switched on, remote learning has raised some thorny technological problems. Students who take classes through Zoom or other platforms need to understand the basic workings of that platform in order to be ready to take part or even access the class in the first place. And teachers must know what they are doing so that students aren’t stuck waiting for techno glitches to be worked out. This is the responsibility of the teacher to be knowledgeable and to make sure beforehand that the students are up to speed and ready to go. 
  2. Motivation. This is a serious issue for semester long learning, but much less impactful when it comes to a day long or weekend long class. Also, if the teacher uses low key quizzes, it helps students stay on task and gives them milestones to feel that they are gaining knowledge and making progress.
  3. Lack of social interaction. This can be a great big bummer. As a Reiki teacher, I always enjoy watching the students get to know each other and learn from each other. It’s just not the same through Zoom. If you are considering taking a class through distance learning, know that you won’t get the same kind of warm fuzzies as an in person class. On the other hand, in a remote Reiki class, you will get lots of amazing Reiki energy, some interpersonal interaction and some pretty valuable skills. You’ll have to make your own calculation to see if it’s the right kind of learning for you.
  4. Distant attunements. The cornerstone of any Reiki class is the Reiki attunement. A Reiki attunement is also known as an initiation or a ceremony that opens the flow of Reiki energy to the student and connects or “tunes them into” the source of Reiki healing energy. It is a process or energy technique. Some people doubt that such a technique can be done at a distance. To answer this, let me tell you a story.

Several years ago, I took a Crystal Reiki class that was taught remotely and on-demand, i.e., not in real time. The instructor allowed students to sign up for specific times to receive their attunement. So, in this situation, I had never talked to the Reiki Master. I had only watched her lectures online. When the day and time for the attunement came up, I sat down and relaxed, with my eyes closed, as her instructions suggested. And…..nothing happened, at least for the first few minutes. I’m pretty familiar with the sensations that come from energy healing, whether it is done in person or at a distance, and I have to say, at first, I was pretty disappointed. 

Then, it was as if someone flipped on a great big switch and flooded my system with bright, beautiful, Reiki energy. That attunement was a success, and it moved me from a skeptic to a believer. I have to say that I shouldn’t have been a skeptic. I know that Reiki can be sent through time and space. I teach my students how to do that in Reiki Level 2. I have also had great experiences and great feedback from giving Reiki distant healing. It’s also true that you know a thing once you live a thing. My personal experience is that distant attunements work perfectly.

Is Distant Learning Right for You?

Learning Reiki through Zoom might be your best and happiest way to bring the gift of Reiki into your life. Especially in this crazy pandemic time, it is a safe alternative to in person classes. Only you know how to weigh your priorities and what you want from your Reiki training. Let me know what you think. And if you are interested in learning Reiki through Zoom, take a look at my upcoming Reiki I & II class, scheduled for January 15-16, 2022.

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