Checklist for Reiki Fans

Thinking about taking a Reiki class?  Here is a checklist to help you decide if learning Reiki is right for you.  

If you mark any of the following under “Yes”, you should strongly consider learning Reiki.

❑  You know in your gut you should learn Reiki

❑  You love Reiki and want more of it in your life but don’t want to rely on treatments from others

❑  You want to empower your ability to be healthy and happy

❑  You want to be able to share Reiki with loved ones, friends or pets

❑  You are stressed, anxious or depressed and you need positive support

❑  You suffer from post traumatic stress and want spiritual healing

❑  You or a loved one are ill and you want a complementary therapy that goes with other treatments

❑  You want a new and easy meditative practice

❑  You want to support and expand your spiritual life

❑  You want to support and expand your creative or intellectual life with positive energy

❑  You want to learn about positive life force energy

❑  You want a cheap, effective way to bring more health and joy into your life

If you mark any of the following under “No”, you should wait to take a Reiki class or find another way to be healthy and happy.

❑  You will never take the time to do Reiki on yourself or others

❑  The idea of “energy” sounds silly or fake

❑  Your life is going great and you don’t need new tools for health and happiness

❑  You know in your gut that Reiki is not right for you

❑  The idea of learning one more thing is too overwhelming

❑  You are not ready to prioritize your interests right now

❑  You are attracted to a different self help tool, but learning Reiki is cheaper.

❑  You don’t have the money to learn Reiki

If you find that you are too overwhelmed to take a class or can’t prioritize your interests at this time, you might want to meditate on that.  Finding balance in time or giving to others can be a challenge. If you are out of balance in these areas, now might be the time to access your own wisdom about this.  Just take 10 or 20 minutes to sit in purposeful silence. Before you begin you meditation, ask a question with your heart, such as, “What do I need to know about being overwhelmed.”  Clear your mind, center your attention on your breath or your heart and allow yourself to just be. The answer may come to you during your meditation, in a dream, while you are relaxing or it may just later at some time “pop” into your head.  Know that you don’t have to find your answer, allow yourself to receive the wisdom.

If money is the issue for you, know that first of all, you should follow your gut.  If your gut says that you should take learn or receive some other modality than Reiki, your gut knows what you want.  You should follow it, period. If on the other hand, your gut says you should learn Reiki, but you don’t have the money to follow that desire, your Reiki teacher may be willing to be paid in installments.  For example, I allow students to pay $100 up front and $50 per month after that. It is natural for us to want things that are outside of our budget. This process of “wanting” is a kind of “call to action,” something that can motivate us to raise our vibration, and use creativity, action and new choices to bring more into our lives.

If learning Reiki is right for you, I’m teaching a beginning Reiki class, Levels 1 and 2, on the weekend of February 22-23, 2020.  You can register online or do so by calling 319-341-7144