New Ebook Coming Out on January 19th

My new ebook, Natural Energy Defense is coming out on Amazon on January 19th. I’m excited about this project because it introduces a new approach to safety and security through life force energy. To describe it, let me tell you a little bit about your own life force energy system. You have a bubble of life force energy that surrounds you. Your body is filled with life force energy. Life force energy is flowing all around you and is flowing between you and people, places and things in your conscious and subconscious attention. You are meant to be able to have authority over the quality and nature of the energy you let into your personal energy bubble. Many, if not most of us could use some help in asserting healthy authority regarding the energy in one or more aspects of our lives. I believe that the easiest and quickest way to have more choice in the energies we experience is to make changes in deep unconscious beliefs that do not serve us. Your unconscious beliefs are like an inner blueprint or operating system that interacts with life force energy coming into our systems and going out. If you want to improve the quality of the life force energy you are experiencing, I believe you have to change parts of the blueprint. I also believe that the best way to make a deep change like that is to do so hand in hand with your inner wisdom.

Inner wisdom is a lot more than your conscience. It is your inner guidance system. You know it by the way you feel when you have to make a decision. Your inner wisdom is the calm, constant knowing, feeling or perhaps inner voice that you access when you get quiet, slow down and relax. On the other hand, your ego is the feelings or impulses you have that are urgent, fear driven or filled with the kinds of emotions we like least like jealousy or anger. Imagine that you could change your inner blueprint of unconscious beliefs in ways that your quiet, kind and loyal inner wisdom can show you. I believe you can, and that is what this book is all about.

For those of you who are still skeptical about the strength of life force energy to do anything for you, take a look at this video clip. It shows a different system, qigong. Nonetheless, this is a flashy version of how life force energy can protect you. Sorry about the video quality--it’s an old Bill Moyers show.

Bill Moyers - Qi